Http Request the sever response code for seo

200 – Ok: The file was requested and loaded successfully.
301 – Moved permanently: This code response for moved permanently from one source to another.
302 – Found: Pages has been temporarily moved. That found on server.
304 – Not Modified: Conditional GET request and access is allowed but the document has not modified.
307 – Temporary redirect: The requested resource temporarily under different URL
400 – Bad request: The request could not be understood by the server.
401 – Unauthorized: The request require user authentications.
403 – Forbidden: The server understood the request but couldn’t able to fulfill it.
404 – Not found: The server unable to locate the URL.
410 – No Longer available: The requested resource no longer available in server.
500 – Internal server error: Happen some encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from filling the request.
501 – Not implemented: Server doesn’t support to fulfill the request.

Google caffeine – The new search engine from Google, detailed test overview

Are you looking for the new search engine that gives good results based on speed, accuracy and real time?

No more wait, the world’s biggest search giant Google launching new and upgraded version of its new search engine is called Google Caffeine which will live in soon.

Many of the webmasters and developers worried that some times the giant Google takes much time and takes relevancy to give the results (but I am not saying that the relevancy is not accurate that what we are thinking.)

Finding the growth in competition for search engines like Bing and real time search like Twitter, Yahoo and Facebook, the Google caffeine was the result of that.

As my studies of the Google caffeine, the following test has been taken,

1.Accuracy: This is the most important of the search engine like Google. Even the giant engine indexing thousand of millions of web pages, and its search results were accurate.
Comparing the two search engine Google and Google Caffeine search accurate results are,

What I had searched here is for an example take search as Amsaraj, or India or any names, see the screen shots.

Current Google Search results

Current Google Search accuracy results

Google Caffeine Result

Google Caffeine accuracy Result

Obviously you can find the two search results based on Accuracy and you can judge them.

2.Speed: Each and every results, the search engine showed you the time that it taken to come up with the results. It’s another factor that important for the search engines.

Again I had tested the Google caffeine results with current Google search, see the results

google search speed results
google caffeine search speed results

Ya its pretty cool. Again the Google caffeine won the results.

3.Index and Real time: Another important thing for search engine indexing lots of web pages. So the results should be more accurate.

Real time: This is the most and hot among the online users. Like twitter and face book started all this and asking “what are you doing?” Twitter single put the real time search on the map when it started indexing its tweets.

Google search engine also put the real time search like “Show option” link on each search results (could you find that on the top of your search results?). There we can get the user option to look queries like by last hours, days or months

See the screen shot

google search show options


Total web pages indexed: Google caffeine the winner
Speed: Again the winner is Google caffeine
Accuracy: Again the winner is Google caffeine
Real time: Again the winner is Google caffeine

So as I conclude the over all tests had on above, the Google caffeine is a much better product than the current Google search.

Search engine optimization interview questions - Open ended Questions

Thanks for original post

Search engine optimization interview questions set 4

Open ended Questions

1. These questions are more about how an answer is given rather than the actual answer. They often scare interviewees, but with no wrong answer they're actually a good opportunity to shine.

2. Tell me your biggest failure in an SEO project

3.What areas of SEO do you most enjoy?

4. In what areas of SEO are you strongest?

5. In what areas of SEO are you weakest?

6. How do you handle a client who does not implement your SEO recommendations?

7. Can you get xyz company listed for the keyword Google in the first page?

8. What do you think is different about working for an SEO agency vs. doing SEO in-house?

9. Why are you moving from your current position and/or leaving any current projects?

Search engine optimization interview questions - Industry involvement Questions

Thanks for original posts
Search engine optimization interview questions set 3

Industry involvement Questions

1. Is SEO just a job to pay the bills? Nothing wrong with that, but some senior positions can benefit from more enthusiasm and interest that can be measured by work done outside of the office.

2. If salary and location were not an issue, who would you work for?

3. In Google Lore - what are 'Hilltop', 'Florida' and 'Big Daddy'?

4. Have you attended any search related conferences?

5. Google search on this candidates name, (if you cannot find them, that's a red flag).

6. Do you currently do SEO on your own sites? Do you operate any blogs? Do you currently do any freelance work and do you plan on continuing it?

7. Of the well-known SEOs, who are you not likely to pay attention to?

8. What are some challenges facing the SEO industry?

9. What industry sites, blogs, and forums do you regularly read?

10. Who are the two key people - who started Google?

11. Who is Matt Cutts?

12. If you were bidding on a contract, what competitor would you most worry about?

Search engine optimization interview questions - Analysis Questions

Thanks for original post
Search engine optimization interview questions set 2

Analysis Questions

1. A big part of SEO involves assessing the effectiveness of a campaign both relative to past performance as well as to competiting sites.

2. Are you familiar with web analytic and what packages are your familiar with?

3. From an analytic perspective, what is different between a user from organic search results vs. a type-in user?

4. How do you distinguish the results of your search optimization work from a seasonal change in traffic patterns?

5. How do you evaluate whether an SEO campaign is working?

6. What does competitive analysis mean to you and what techniques do you use?

7. If you've done 6 months of SEO for a site and yet there haven't been any improvements, how would you go about diagnosing the problem?

8. How many target keywords should a site have?

9. How do *you* help a customer decide how to their budget between organic SEO and pay-per-click SEM?

10. You hear a rumor that Google is weighting the HTML LAYER tag very heavily in ranking the relevance of its results - how does this affect your work?

11. Why does Google rank Wikipedia for so many topics?

Search engine optimization interview questions - Technical questions

Thanks for Original posts.

search engine optimization (seo) interview questions set 1

Technical / Tactics questions

1. Give me a description of your general SEO experience.

2. Can you write HTML code by hand?

3. Could you briefly explain the Page Rank algorithm?

4. How you created any SEO tools either from scratch or pieced together from others?

5. What do you think of Page Rank?

6. What do you think of using XML sitemaps?

7. What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2.0 technologies with regards to SEO?

8. What SEO tools do you regularly use?

9. Under what circumstances would you look to exclude pages from search engines using robots.txt vs. Meta robots tag?

10. What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site?

11. Do you have experience in copyrighting and can you provide some writing samples?

12. Have you ever had something you've written reach the front-page of Digg? Sphinn? Or be Stumbled?

13. Explain to me what META tags matter in today's world.

14. Explain various steps that you would take to optimize a website?

15. If the company whose site you've been working for has decided to move all of its content to a new domain, what steps would you take?

16. Rate from 1 to 10, tell me the most important "on page" elements

17. Review the code of past clients/company websites where SEO was performed.

18. What do you think about link buying?

19. What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI Indexing)?

20. What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?

21. What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

22. What kind of strategies do you normally implement for back links?

23. What role do social media play in an SEO strategy?

24. What things wouldn't you to do increase rankings because the risk of penalty is too high?

25. What's the difference between PageRank and Tool Bar PageRank?

26.Why might you want to use nofollow on an internal link?

Search engine optimization faq and glossary

What is mean by “Robots “? What exactly does it?

An automated program written for search engine to crawl the web pages is called Robot.
The main purpose of Robots to crawl all the pages (and links) of website and index the data in to their database.

The Meta Robot can be like this:

<'meta name="Robots" content="Index,Follow">

The following content attributes are:

(you can rearrange this based on your requirment)

The Robots.txt can be described as:

A written file which is uploaded in to main directory of a website to tells the search engine spiders where they are allowed to go.

The Robots.txt file is:

User-agent: *


You can disallow folders or files by putting this into the file:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /Amsaraj seo/

What is mean by seo (search engine optimization)?

Tactics and strategies were undertaken to bring traffic (organic search results) for webpage is called search engine optimization.

For an example: You are having good services or products which you had planned to bring in internet or online. Also some one searches your products but your business is not available at that time then you may loss your absolute visitor.

So search engine optimization helps to bring visitors to your online business and maximize your return on investment.

What is mean by sitemap? Why its need for my site?

Sitemap also called as Layout. Every website should have a sitemap of some sort. It provides a way for visitors to navigate your site, as well as a shortcut for bots to crawl all your pages.

Html Sitemap: Provides easy navigation for Visitors.
XML Sitemap: Provides easy navigation for Crawler or bots or search engine Robots.

What is mean by Search engine marketing?

Tactics and strategies were undertaken to bring the traffic by providing paid search result is called search engine marketing.

I got my website on 5th page of Yahoo but not in Google why?

The two search engine using different algorithm to give the search result. Yahoo search engine favors on page optimization using on heading tags, keyword density and more.
But the Google search engine favors of off pages optimization like back links.

That’s what the different search results on search engine.

What are the Hat techniques available in online? Is it helping for my business?

In online there were many Hat techniques available to rank website. But the most familiar hat techniques are White Hat, Black Hat and Gray Hat.

White Hat: White hat techniques provide the step by step slow page optimization process to rank up website. It’s time consuming process. Page optimization always obeys the search engine guidelines.

Black Hat: Its spamming techniques provide short term time period to rank up website in search engine. Totally violating the search engine guidelines. Once it identified then the site will banned soon. Best advice is to avoid black hat techniques.

Gray Hat: A gray hat technique is the process of both white hat techniques and black hat techniques to rank up site. Some times the OOP (over optimization process) process consider here. If the search engine recognize this then the site will also banned.

Glossary A


Google adsense is the fast and easy way for website publishers to display relevant Google ads on their websites or blogs and earn money.


Google trademarked contextual advertisement system that allows publisher to sign up account and create advertisement. Google adwords takes click through rate into consideration in additions to all advertisements.

Anchor Text

Anchor text refers suitable visible text available for hyperlink. For an example:

Internet Marketing Analyst(This is Anchor Txt)


Alltheweb (one of the Search engine)

Affiliate Marketing

Bring both business promotions in online. For an example you are providing jobs services website and some one have real estate business website then you can put your advertisement on their website and vise versa. (Fact that if some on got jobs then he may looks to build house.) So you may forward your absolute visitors to that site and he may forward vise versa.


A specific set of rules that used by the major search engines.

SEO Updating: Today(May 07, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Q25. How do you search for sites related to a particular site, for instance to yours home page?

  • like:
  • show
  • link:

The Correct answer is: related:

Q26. Lets say you need to know what 2 times 6, divided by 3, squared, is. Which of the following queries would you use? (The answer is 16)

  • · calculate:((2*6) /3)^2
  • · ((2*6) /3)^2
  • · show results:((2*6) /3)^2
  • · calc:((2*6) /3)^2
  • · You can't do math in Google.

The correct answer is: ((2*6) /3)^2

Q27. Let's say you need to know how many meters one foot is equal to. Which of the following queries would you use?

  • feet to meters
  • how many meters in a foot
  • one foot in meters
  • 1 foot in meters
  • Any of the above.

Hence the correct answer is: Any of the above.

SEO Updating: Today( May 06, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Q22. How do you include a range of numbers in your search, for example to search for the word olympics, and including pages that have a number between 1980 and 2000 in them? (Works with any numbers, not just dates.)

· olympics date:1980 2000

· olympics 1980..2000

· 1980:2000 olympics

· olympics "1980 2000"

· olympics 1980 TO 2000

The Correct answer is: olympics "1980 2000"

Q23. How do you search for all pages that have a link to a particular site, for example all sites that have a link to

  • show links
  • find links:
  • references:
  • link
  • link:

The correct answer is: link:

Q24. How do you show how recent Google's information on a particular site such as is?

  • cache:
  • recent:
  • showdate:
  • crawlinfo:
  • check:

Hence the correct answer is: crawlinfo:

SEO Updating: Today(May05, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Take a Look at Q1 to Q3, Q4 to Q6, Q7 to Q9, Q10 to Q12, Q13 to Q15 and Q16 to Q18

Q16. What is the best way to search for a word and to include pages containing words with similar meanings?

  • hiking AND similar
  • like:hiking
  • hiking+
  • ~hiking
  • synonyms:hiking

The Correct answer is: hiking+

Q17. What is the best way to search for pages containing one of two words? For instance, pages containing the word restaurant and either Indian or Thai?

  • restaurant indian OR thai
  • restaurant (indian thai)
  • restaurant "indian thai"
  • restaurant +indian +thai
  • restaurant OR:indian thai

The correct answer is: “restaurant indian OR thai”

Q18. What is the best way to search for a term within one particular website. For instance to search for the word blackjack on

Therefore the correct answer is: blackjack

SEO Updating: Today(May 04, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Take a Look at Q1 to Q3, Q4 to Q6, Q7 to Q9, Q10 to Q12 and Q13 to Q15

Q16. Which of the following will produce the best results?

  • new york city
  • New York city
  • New York City
  • It doesn't matter; only special query keywords are case sensitive.

The Correct answer is: It doesn’t matter; only special query keywords are case sensitive

These all word phrases will give the results. But the number of searches will vary according to their phrase terms. Hence the last one is the correct answer.

Q17. Which of the following is the correct way to search for an exact phrase?

  • +new york city
  • "new york city"
  • (new york city)
  • exact:(new york city)
  • +new +york +city

The correct answer is: “new york city”

Q18. What is the best way to ensure that pages containing a particular word are excluded from the results? For example, to exlude sites that contains the word Atkins when searching for information on dieting?

  • diet NOT atkins
  • diet NO atkins
  • diet –atkins
  • diet exclude:atkins
  • diet ignore:atkins

Therefore the correct answer is: diet –atkins

SEO Updating: Today(April 30, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Take a Look at Q1 to Q3, Q4 to Q6, Q7 to Q9 and Q10 to Q12

Q13. If you update your site's URL structure to create new versions of your pages, what should you do with the old URLs?

Correct Answer: 301 redirect them to the new URLs

The correct move is to 301 the pages so they pass link juice and visitors to the new, proper locations.

Q14. When you have multiple-pages targeting the same keywords on a domain, which of the following is the best way to avoid keyword cannibalization?

Correct Answer: Place links on all the secondary pages back to the page you most want ranking for the term/phrase using the primary keywords as the anchor text of those links

As this blog post explains, it's best to "place links on all the secondary pages back to the page you most want ranking for the term/phrase using the primary keywords as the anchor text of those links."

Q15. Which domain extensions are more often associated with greater trust and authority in the search engines?

Correct Answer: .edu, .mil and .gov

Although the search engines themselves have said there are no specific algorithmic elements that make domains from .gov, .edu and .mil more trustworthy or authoritative, these sites, due to the restriction of the TLD licensing, certainly have an association with more trust in webmaster's eyes (and, very often, the search results)

SEO Updating: Today(April 29, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Take a look at Q1 to Q3, Q4 to Q6 and Q7 to Q9

Q10. A page on your site that serves as a "sitemap," linking to other pages on your domain in an organized, list format, is important because...

Correct Answer: It may help search engine crawlers to easily access many pages on your site

As none of the others are remotely true, the only correct answer is that a sitemap page may help search engine crawlers easily access many pages on your site, particularly if your link structure is otherwise problematic

Q11. Which of the following search engines patented the concept of "Trust Rank" as a methodology for ranking web sites & pages?

  • Yahoo
  • Google
  • MSN

Correct Answer: Yahoo!

The correct answer comes via the patent guru himself, Bill Slawski, who notes:

The citation that I’ve seen most commonly pointed at regarding trust rank is this paper - Combating Web Spam with Trust Rank (PDF).

The authors listed on that paper are the named inventors on this Yahoo patent application:

1 Link-based spam detection (20060095416)

The remaining four describe an expansion of the trust rank process, referred to as dual trust rank, which adds elements of the social graph to the use of trust rank.

2 Using community annotations as anchor text (20060294085)

3 Real-time indexing and search in large, rapidly changing document collections (20060294086)

4 Trust propagation through both explicit and implicit social networks (20060294134)

5 Search engine with augmented relevance ranking by community participation (20070112761)

Q12. How can you avoid the duplicate content problems that often accompany temporal pagination issues (where content moves down a page and from page to page, as is often seen in lists of articles, multi-page articles and blogs)?

Correct Answer: Add a Meta robots tag with "noindex, follow" to the paginated pages

The only method listed in the answers that's effective is to use "noindex, follow" on the paginated, non-canonical pages.

Google SEO Ranking Factors

There are over 300+ ranking factors available that Google uses to rank pages in the Google search results (SERP). Basically the ranking factors depend on some of search engine optimization rules which include positive and negative onsite/ offsite seo factors.

While doing search engine optimization for a website the webmaster keep in mind some of allegedly negative seo factors which include the following,

  • Over optimization penalty

Many of webmasters, basically the seo new comers may have bad ideas that over-compliance with well established sites will give good traffic or it in first page of Google search engine. So they made too high keyword repetitions (that is called keyword stuffing) this may get you to OOP (Over Optimization Penalty). Overuse if H1 tags has been mentioned here this term is called Meta tag stuffing.

  • Some poison words

The words like “Links, Click here” in a title tag have been suggested to be a bad idea. Like these types of poison words, impedes the search engine to rank your site.

  • Link to bad neighborhood

Strongly advice that you do not link to link farms, called FFA (Free for All). Also don’t forget to check the status of everyone that you link to periodically. This site may go bad and you can end up being penalized.

Many of real estate sites have been switched to porn sites to attract and get more traffic. But this is not good ideas.

  • Too Frequently add contents

Google search engine always likes the fresh content to spider your sites and update to its databases. But too frequent added content may not help the search engine to rank your sites. Because the ranking factors always depend on age of sites. Too old sites may get good ranking compare with new one.

SEO Updating: Today(April 28, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Take a look at questions 1 to 3


Take a look at question 4 to 6


7. Which of the following site architecture issues MOST impedes the ability of search engine spiders to crawl a site?

  • Dynamic pages with 2 or more variables in the URL string
  • Pages that require form submission to reach database content

Correct Answer: Pages that require form submission to reach database content

Since search engines will assume a site is crawl able if it has no robots.txt file, doesn't have any crawl-specific issues with paid links, can read iFrames perfectly well and is able to spider and index plenty of pages with multiple URL parameters, the correct answer is clear. Pages that require form submission effectively block spiders, as automated bots will not complete form submissions to attempt to discover web content.

8. In the search marketing industry, what is traditionally represented by this graph?

Internet marketing and long tail keyword research

Correct Answer: The "long tail" theory of keyword demand

The graph shown represents the long tail concept, which is most frequently applied to keyword demand in the search marketing world.

9. Which of the following character limits is the best choice to use when limiting the length of title tags (assuming you want those tags to fully display in the search results at the major engines)?

Correct Answer: 65

As Google & Yahoo! both display between 62-68 characters (there appears to be some various depending on both the country of origin of the search and the exact query), and MSN/Live hovers between 65-69, the best answer is... 65.

SEO Updating: Today (April 27, 2009) top 3 SEO Questions and answers

Take a look at questions 1 to 3 and its answer


4. Which of the following sources is considered to be the best for acquiring competitive link data?

· Google

· Yahoo


Correct Answer: Yahoo!

Since Yahoo! is the only engine still providing in-depth, comprehensive link data for both sites and pages, it's the obvious choice. Link commands have been disabled at MSN, throttled at Google, never existed at and provide only a tiny subset of data at Alexa.

5. What is the generally accepted difference between SEO and SEM?

Correct Answer: SEO focuses on organic/natural search rankings; SEM encompasses all aspects of search marketing

SEO - Search Engine Optimization - refers to the practice of ranking pages in the organic results at the search engines. SEM - Search Engine Marketing - refers to all practices that leverage search engines for traffic, branding, advertising & marketing.

6. When creating a "flat architecture" for a site, you attempt to minimize what?

· The KB size of search-targeted pages

· The number of links a search engine must follow to reach content pages

Correct Answer: The number of links a search engine must follow to reach content pages

Flat site architecture refers to the link structure of the site, and thus, the only answer is "the number of links a search engine must follow to reach content pages."

SEO Updating: Today top 3 SEO Questions and answer

  1. When linking to external websites, a good strategy to move up in the ranking is to use the keywords you’re attempting to rank for on that page as the anchor text of the external pointing links. For an example, if you were attempting to rank a page for the phrase “hulk smash” you would want to use that phrase, “hulk smash” as the anchor text of a link pointing to a web page on another domain ?

The correct answer is: False

The biggest problem with linking to other websites with your targeted keyword phrases in the anchor text is that it creates additional competition for your page in the search results, as you give relevance through anchor text and link juice to a competing page on a competing site. Thus, false is correct answer

  1. Which of the following is the least important area in which to include your keyword(s)?

· Title

· Meta Keyword

· Meta descriptions

The correct answer is: Meta Keywords

The Meta keyword tag is least important among these because search engines do not consider it in ranking calculations and it’s never seen by visitors and searchers(Unlike the meta description tag, which display beneath listing in the SERPs)

  1. Which of the following is the best way to maximize the frequency with which your site/page is crawled by the search engine?
    • Search engine submission
    • Frequently add new content
    • Adding additional meta tags

Correct Answer: Frequently add new content

Adding new content on a regular basis is the only one of the methods listed that will promote more frequent spidering and indexing. Tags like crawl delay have never been shown to be effective (and aren't even supported by many of the major engines). The other "partially" correct answer would be to turn up crawl frequency inside Webmaster Central at Google, but this only works if Google wants to crawl your site more actively and is restricted from doing so.

SEO updation - Onsite Factors

The following onsite factor includes,

Domain Name: Try to get domain name which seems to be the highest status.

For an example, if you can get the domain name which is extended as .gov .edu and .org then it will rank higher in all search engines.

Now a day’s .info also giving good rank in many geographical areas.

File size: Another important thing is considering the file size. Many of search engines allow the pages size is more than 100k. But my suggestion is it shouldn’t be more than 100k. If it’s more than 100k then the loading time will increased. This leads to unresponsive category in both user and search engines.

Content:Another important thing is content. Update fresh content to your site. Changes over time to update your content to your site newer are the better. Google likes the fresh pages.

SEO Updation factors - Navigation Links

2. Navigation Links

Another important step is navigation links. Many of search engine consider the Page rank depend on link structure of site. Normally the Navigation links can divide into two types.

Internal Links

While considering the internal links the following steps should be

  1. Tree link structure : Avoid deeper links (it should not exceed more than 3 clicks)
  2. Check all the internal links are valid one.
  3. Check the keywords on links.

Out Going Links

While considering the External links the following steps should be

  1. Check all the external link should be valid one.
  2. Check the keyword on external links.
  3. Link stability.