How to create a strategy plan for everything?

This is another post that I come up with every one should have the dedicated plan to make success. The sounds good? Yes.

Remembering the great quote now "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better" Yes he is right. The life gets faster today. You do not have such a experiments in your life, you may fail to get achievements and gets boring.

I am herewith tell you the way and how you can derive yourself the strategy or experimental plan to make success.

Mission and Vision:

Gail Devers quoted "Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."

You should have your long term goal and short term achievements. You derive yourself the milestones either personal or your business makes own stand. Do some check-points on every short periods and calculate the expenses and of-course the benefits.

Forgot your past movements. Plan your things today. Take the white paper and three coloured pencils or pens as your wish.

1. Write your 5 years plans:

You want to achieve something? identity the goal which will lead and after 5 years what will be. Make Green points in your white paper. List out all the achievements you should wanna be.

Now take red pen and strike through the least important.

2. Write your 3 years plans:

Three years are not far from 5 years. So make all the Green listed achievements from the five years and identify the possible achievements on three years. Identify the steps towards the peak. Separate the two sections on these above. Make the most important things on blue and rest are in same green.

3. Write your 1 year plan:

Now you can take all those blue listed tasks and list-out how you can derive yourself want to be achieved. What methods you can use it. Think about it. How much you can going to spend and how much you can get it from.

4. Write your 6 month plan:

There is much need of what you can going to do on six months from now. Again list out the tasks in blue pen. Make the expenses list in red. Identify the objectives.

5. Write you a month plan

Ah, yes you can get vision on your monthly goals. This month, how you can make money? or buy building? or hire people? how many? .. raise your most wanted questions, find the answers

6. Write your weekly / daily plan

This is the least but powerful. Derive yourself the day or weekly goals. once you commit to derive then your 1 year, three years or five years goals makes 100% achievable.

Still struggle to find the ways? Reach me for more information.

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